Why Do You Take X-Rays Every Year?


Different Types Of X-Rays

The frequency that you have x-rays taken in your dentist’s office depends on the type of x-rays that your dentist will order to be taken. 

Dental x-rays can be divided into two types: intraoral (inside the mouth) and extraoral (outside the mouth). Below are the most common types of intraoral dental x-rays:



Common types of extraoral x-rays include: 



When you begin treatment at a new dental office, it’s likely that your dentist will order that a full mouth series of x-rays be taken. This usually includes a panoramic, four bitewings, and at least ten periapical images. This is done in order to evaluate the entire mouth; with these images, your dentist can examine how many teeth are present and the condition of the teeth in order to form a comprehensive treatment plan.

When proper precautions are taken and when spaced out strategically, having dental x-rays taken is completely safe. Give us a call anytime to get scheduled for your check up and x-rays here in our San Jose dental office.

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